Mechanics of Stretchable Electronics

报告人:黄永刚 美国西北大学冠名讲席教授 中国科学院外籍院士 美国国家工程院院士 欧洲科学院外籍院士 欧洲科学与艺术院院士

主持人:周益春 教授,ok138cn太阳集团官网董事长

时 间:2018年4月27日(星期五) 上午10:00

地 点:图书馆报告厅





  1) 开创了可延展无机电子器件领域;

  2) 创立了基于微观机制的应变梯度理论。



  Recent advances in mechanics and materials provide routes to integrated circuits that can offer the electrical properties of conventional, rigid wafer-based technologies but with the ability to be stretched, compressed, twisted, bent and deformed into arbitrary shapes.  Inorganic electronic materials in micro/nanostructured forms, intimately integrated with elastomeric substrates offer particularly attractive characteristics in such systems, with realistic pathways to sophisticated embodiments.  Mechanics plays a key role in this development by identifying the underlying mechanism and providing analytical solutions to guide design and fabrication.  I will present our research on stretchable silicon [1] and its applications to stretchable and foldable circuits [2], electronic-eye camera [3,4], semi-transparent and flexible LED [5], epidermal electronics [6], dissolvable electronics [7,8], injectable, cellular-scale optoelectronics [9], and soft, microfluidic assemblies of sensors, circuits and radios [10].  Review of stretchable electronics has been published [11]. 

  1. Khang et al., Science 311, p 208, 2006.

  2. Kim et al., Science 320, p 507, 2008 (inner cover article).

  3. Ko et al., Nature 454, p 748, 2008 (cover article).

  4. Song et al., Nature 497, p 95, 2013 (cover article).

  5. Park et al., Science 325, p 977, 2009.

  6. Kim et al., Science 333, p 838, 2011.

  7. Hwang et al., Science 337, p 1640, 2012 (cover article).

  8. Kang et al., Nature 530, p 71, 2016.

  9. Kim et al., Science 340, p 211, 2013.

  10. Xu et al., Science 344, p 70, 2014.

  11. Rogers et al., Science 327, p 1603, 2010.