Publishing in Wiley Materials Science Journals

报告人:Dr. Muxian Shen,Peer-review Editor for Advanced Energy Mater

主持人:杨 丽 教授

时 间:2019年11月5日(星期二)下午2:30-3:30

地 点:ok138cn太阳集团古天乐319学术报告厅


Introduction:John Wiley and Sons was founded in 1807 and is the oldest independent publishing house in the United States. As time and progress moved along, our books did too — from Thomas Jefferson’s personal library to the Library of Congress, to institutions around the world, and then to the world wide web. From our start as a tiny print shop in New York, we grew to meet the needs of authors, educators, students, researchers, and professionals in every corner of the globe, adding digital solutions to quality content. Today, our books, journals, reference works, and databases are shared with millions. Wiley and its acquired companies have published the works of more than 490 Nobel Laureates in all categories for which the prize is awarded. With the February 2007 acquisition of Blackwell Publishing, Wiley became the largest publisher for professional and scholarly societies. Above all we recognize continuous improvement as fundamental to success and growth in a digital world. We are committed to continuing to shape our future by redefining and extending the ways in which we can better serve our authors, our library customers, and society partners.

报告人简介:Dr. Muxian Shen obtained her BSc in Chemical Engineering at East China University of Science and Technology. After receiving her PhD degree in Material Science at the same university, she joined Nature Research Group as the first Editorial Assistant for Nature Communications, Nature Materials and Nature Energy based in Asia in 2015, and was promoted to Senior Editorial Assistant for Nature Communications in 2016. She joined Wiley in 2018 as a Peer-review Editor for Advanced Energy Materials, Advance Functional Materials, Advanced Engineering Materials, Small Methods and is based in the Shanghai office.

